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Tune in or swim later

Participatory sound map

Year: 2020

This picture shows my grandma at the harbour of the island Pellworm in 1977. 42 years later, in September and October 2019, I spent 6 weeks of doing a sonic ethnography on Pellworm. 6 weeks of listening, soundwalking and field recording on this special island in the North of Germany.

I’m not from the island and had never been there before, but I have far relatives living there. I was looking for a place where family history was written and which still felt unknown to me. I was searching to re-connect with my home region through listening to the island.

This sound map traces my encounter with the people and place and brings out some of the multiplicity of everyday island life. Many conversation with locals inspired the making of the field recordings. Recordings range from walks in the mudflats to local supermarkets, from the hidden sounds of the Waddensea to playing volleyball with the local youth.